Unlocking Patterns: Machine Learning Approaches for Seasonality and Trend Detection in Sales Forecasting


  • Anton Sokolov Siberian Technical Institute, Russia


This abstract explores the application of machine learning (ML) approaches for seasonality and trend detection in sales forecasting, titled "Unlocking Patterns." In the dynamic landscape of sales forecasting, understanding seasonal fluctuations and emerging trends is essential for informed decision-making and strategic planning. Leveraging ML algorithms, businesses can analyze historical sales data to uncover hidden patterns, predict future trends, and optimize forecasting accuracy. This paper delves into various ML techniques used for seasonality and trend detection, highlighting their efficacy and practical applications. By unlocking patterns in sales data, organizations can enhance their forecasting capabilities, mitigate risks, and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the market. Leveraging ML algorithms, organizations can analyze historical sales data to uncover underlying patterns, detect seasonal trends, and predict future sales performance with precision. This paper explores the methodologies and applications of ML in sales forecasting, highlighting the efficacy of these approaches in uncovering patterns, optimizing forecasting accuracy, and driving business growth. Through real-world examples and case studies, the paper illustrates the practical implications of ML-driven seasonality and trend detection, offering insights into how organizations can leverage these approaches to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.



How to Cite

Sokolov, A. (2024). Unlocking Patterns: Machine Learning Approaches for Seasonality and Trend Detection in Sales Forecasting. Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 6(1), 1−7. Retrieved from http://mzjournal.com/index.php/JEBS/article/view/111