Driving Innovation Through Knowledge Transfer and Cross-Functional Collaboration: Strategies for Enhancing Organizational Performance in a Competitive Environment


  • Chris Liu Shanghai University of Business, China
  • Chen Li Shanghai University of Business, China


This paper explores the role of knowledge transfer and cross-functional collaboration in driving innovation and enhancing organizational performance within such competitive environments. By examining strategies aimed at facilitating knowledge transfer and fostering collaboration across functional boundaries, this research offers insights into how organizations can effectively leverage their internal resources to drive innovation and achieve sustainable growth. The study delves into the concept of knowledge transfer, which involves the sharing and dissemination of tacit and explicit knowledge among individuals and across organizational units. It explores various mechanisms for facilitating knowledge transfer, including communities of practice, mentoring programs, and technological platforms, and investigates their impact on innovation outcomes and organizational performance. Furthermore, the research examines the importance of cross-functional collaboration in driving innovation.



How to Cite

Liu, C., & Li, C. (2024). Driving Innovation Through Knowledge Transfer and Cross-Functional Collaboration: Strategies for Enhancing Organizational Performance in a Competitive Environment. Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 6(1), 1−5. Retrieved from http://mzjournal.com/index.php/JEBS/article/view/42