Examining the Relationship Between Knowledge Management Capability, Social Capital, and Organizational Innovativeness: A Study of Public Sector Organizations


  • Ali Khan university of Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sana Mirza university of Lahore, Pakistan


This paper investigates the interplay between knowledge management capability, social capital, and organizational innovativeness within public sector organizations. Drawing upon a sample of public sector entities, this research explores how knowledge management capability and social capital influence organizational innovativeness, offering insights into the mechanisms driving innovation within the public sector. The study examines knowledge management capability as the organizational capacity to effectively create, acquire, share, and utilize knowledge assets. Additionally, social capital is conceptualized as the social networks, relationships, and trust within and across organizational boundaries. Through empirical analysis, this study investigates the relationship between knowledge management capability, social capital, and various dimensions of organizational innovativeness, including the generation and implementation of innovative ideas, processes, and practices.



How to Cite

Khan, A., & Mirza, S. (2024). Examining the Relationship Between Knowledge Management Capability, Social Capital, and Organizational Innovativeness: A Study of Public Sector Organizations. Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 6(1), 1−5. Retrieved from http://mzjournal.com/index.php/JEBS/article/view/43