Anticipating Churn: AI-driven Insights for Sustaining Customer Loyalty in US Business Markets


  • Ahmed Al-Mansouri Oasis University, UAE


This paper explores the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in predicting and mitigating customer churn within US business markets. In an era where customer retention is paramount, AI-driven insights offer valuable strategies for sustaining loyalty and maximizing profitability. Businesses can anticipate churn patterns and implement targeted retention initiatives by leveraging advanced algorithms and predictive analytics. Through a comprehensive examination of AI methodologies and real-world case studies, this study elucidates the transformative potential of AI in safeguarding customer relationships and driving long-term business success in the competitive landscape of US markets. As customer retention becomes increasingly critical for sustained success, AI-driven insights offer invaluable tools for businesses to proactively identify and address potential churn risks. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, AI empowers businesses to uncover patterns and trends indicative of churn, enabling targeted retention strategies. Through a comprehensive examination of AI-driven methodologies and real-world applications, this study elucidates the transformative potential of AI in sustaining customer loyalty and bolstering business performance in US markets. This abstract delves into the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in anticipating and mitigating customer churn, ensuring sustained loyalty in US business markets. As businesses strive to retain customers in an increasingly competitive landscape, AI-driven insights offer invaluable strategies for proactively identifying and addressing churn risk factors. By harnessing advanced algorithms and predictive analytics, businesses can anticipate customer behavior, personalize experiences, and implement targeted retention initiatives.



How to Cite

Al-Mansouri, A. (2024). Anticipating Churn: AI-driven Insights for Sustaining Customer Loyalty in US Business Markets. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(1), 1−8. Retrieved from