Secure Multi-Party Computation in Genomics: Protecting Privacy While Enabling Research Collaboration


  • Aravind Kumar Kalusivalingam Northeastern University, Boston, USA


Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) in genomics presents a groundbreaking approach to preserving privacy while fostering collaboration in genomic research. By leveraging cryptographic techniques, SMPC allows multiple parties to jointly analyze genomic data without sharing sensitive information. This innovative method ensures that individual genetic data remains encrypted and confidential, protecting participants' privacy rights. Moreover, it enables researchers to collaborate across institutions or countries, pooling data resources for more comprehensive analyses while adhering to strict privacy regulations. Thus, abstract SMPC not only empowers research advancements in genomics but also ensures ethical data handling and privacy protection, crucial for maintaining public trust in scientific endeavors.



How to Cite

Kalusivalingam, A. K. (2019). Secure Multi-Party Computation in Genomics: Protecting Privacy While Enabling Research Collaboration. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 1(2), 1−8. Retrieved from