Developing Resilience Monitoring Schemes for Infrastructure Using SDGs


  • Andrei Popescu Transylvania University, Romania


Developing resilience monitoring schemes for infrastructure using Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) involves a comprehensive approach to assessing and enhancing the robustness of critical systems. By aligning with SDG frameworks, these monitoring schemes aim not only to ensure the durability and reliability of infrastructure but also to promote sustainability and inclusivity. Key components include integrating indicators that measure infrastructure resilience against environmental, social, and economic stresses, fostering adaptive capacity in the face of climate change, and promoting equitable access to essential services. Such schemes enable stakeholders to track progress, identify vulnerabilities, and implement targeted interventions to build more resilient infrastructure that can withstand diverse challenges while advancing broader sustainable development objectives.



How to Cite

Popescu, A. (2024). Developing Resilience Monitoring Schemes for Infrastructure Using SDGs. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(2), 1−8. Retrieved from