Leveraging Intelligent Threat Detection and Response in Hybrid Mesh Firewalls for Enhanced Cybersecurity


  • Leila Abbas Nile Delta University (Egypt)


This paper examines the integration of intelligent threat detection and response mechanisms within hybrid mesh firewalls to bolster cybersecurity measures. The increasing complexity and frequency of cyber threats necessitate a proactive approach to defending network infrastructures. By combining traditional firewall functionalities with advanced threat detection capabilities powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, organizations can more effectively identify and mitigate potential security breaches. This study explores the benefits and challenges associated with deploying intelligent threat detection and response mechanisms within hybrid mesh firewalls, highlighting the potential for enhanced cybersecurity resilience in today's evolving threat landscape. Through empirical analysis and case studies, the research demonstrates the efficacy of this integrated approach in enhancing network security posture and safeguarding against emerging cyber threats.



How to Cite

Abbas, L. (2023). Leveraging Intelligent Threat Detection and Response in Hybrid Mesh Firewalls for Enhanced Cybersecurity. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 5(1), 1−6. Retrieved from http://mzjournal.com/index.php/JET/article/view/63