Cloud Data Privacy Measures


  • Sandeep Reddy Gudimetla Hindustan Computers Limited, USA


In today's technological era, which is run by cloud services that hold large amounts of data, keeping information secure is a huge issue. This article finds out the gainfulness of data protection in the cloud and thus surveys such security measures that are the most practicable in the field of data security at the point of using the cloud. One of the crucial domains in cybersecurity is encryption-based methods that transform data into an unreadable form, even to users with malicious intentions. Another area is an access control system that controls and manages permissions for user access. The other point would be to build privacy-guaranteed solutions for cloud storage and intelligent healthcare ecosystems. The vulnerability of the cloud through the exploitation of encryption and access control techniques, as well as the solutions to keep privacy along with the various measures that should be taken, emphasizes the poly-directional approach needed to address the problems that arise from data breaches and unauthorized access in cloud computing. Adopting such measures by the companies will enable the building of the trust of the corporate users, and that will ensure that companies care about regurgitation. Regulations regarding cyber security threats, we will be able to manage them with improved confidence. Building up knowledge on these core pillars of data privacy practices will aid stakeholders in coordinating and developing data security infrastructure that can withstand the challenges of cloud privacy requirements and finally help them preserve the confidentiality of data.



How to Cite

Gudimetla, S. R. (2022). Cloud Data Privacy Measures. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(2), 1−5. Retrieved from