Transforming Pharmacovigilance with Automated Signal Detection and Risk Management


  • Leila Abbas Nile Delta University, Egypt
  • Luca Bianchi Nile Delta University, Egypt


Pharmacovigilance, the science and activities related to the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug-related problem, is crucial for ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical products. With the advancement of technology, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence and automation, there is a significant opportunity to enhance pharmacovigilance processes. This paper explores the transformative potential of automated signal detection and risk management in pharmacovigilance, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and implications for the future of drug safety surveillance.



How to Cite

Abbas, L., & Bianchi, L. (2022). Transforming Pharmacovigilance with Automated Signal Detection and Risk Management. Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(1), 1−7. Retrieved from