Cloud identity and access management


  • Sandeep Reddy Gudimetla Hindustan Computers Limited, USA


Cloud computing has brought a new era of adaptability and scalability, which allows companies to use strong computing power and relative services. Although cloud technology has raised such security concerns as cloud identity and access management (IAM), it has become a high priority. While every organization utilizes the cloud, there are listed problems that include unsanctioned use of data, breaching of data, and culpability liabilities. Authentication systems, which are indisputably one of the most imperative aspects in the area of protection against severe threats, are one of the fields that require permanent, vigilant interaction. Solutions such as biometrics, multifactor authentications (MFA), and adaptive authentication systems are the present-day security mechanisms that make it possible to safeguard cloud resources against being accessed by malicious users.Besides this, the invention of new technologies, like deep learning and blockchain, offered a revolutionary shine to cloud identity management. AI-driven IAM solutions use AI algorithms, enabling them to study users' patterns and detect specific irregularities, providing additional protection levels through implementations that ensure enhanced security. As a result, blockchain technology has mutated and distributed trustless authentication characteristics for authorization and is most important in cloud-decentralized systems. The processes and the methods developed in this structure further improve the making of high-technology applications to avoid possible risks and support the right of organizations to utilize cloud computing.


