Integrate security practices and compliance requirements into DevOps processes


  • Karthik Pelluru FCI Technologies Limited, UK


Integrating security practices and compliance requirements into DevOps processes is essential for organizations building secure and compliant software systems. This abstract provides an overview of this integration's key concepts and benefits. It highlights the significance of security and compliance in DevOps, emphasizing the need to address them throughout the software development lifecycle. The abstract outlines various strategies for integrating security into DevOps processes, including secure design, development practices, continuous security testing, and security automation. It also emphasizes the importance of compliance requirements and discusses the concept of compliance as code. The abstract acknowledges the challenges and considerations involved in this integration, such as balancing speed and security, fostering communication and collaboration, and managing secrets and credentials. Furthermore, it emphasizes the benefits of integrating security and compliance, such as reduced risk of security breaches, early vulnerability detection, streamlined compliance processes, and faster, more secure software delivery. The abstract highlights best practices, including establishing a security culture, educating and training teams, implementing security and compliance as code, and regularly assessing and improving security practices. Overall, the abstract emphasizes the critical role of security and compliance integration in DevOps and encourages organizations to prioritize these aspects in their software development endeavors.


