An In-Depth Exploration of Efficient Multi-Objective Message Routing Optimization Strategies for Alleviating Network Congestion


  • Mateo Hernandez University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Isabella gonzales University of Barcelona, Spain


In contemporary network architectures, the proliferation of data-intensive applications and the exponential growth of network traffic pose significant challenges to network efficiency and performance. The study begins by examining network congestion's underlying causes and implications, highlighting its detrimental effects on latency, throughput, and overall user experience. Central to the paper is the proposition and analysis of novel multi-objective optimization frameworks tailored to address the complexities of network congestion. These frameworks integrate diverse objectives such as minimizing packet loss, maximizing throughput, balancing network load, and minimizing energy consumption. Leveraging advanced algorithms from the fields of evolutionary computing, machine learning, and network science, these frameworks enable the synthesis of efficient routing policies that strike a balance between competing objectives. Moreover, the paper explores the proposed optimization strategies' practical implementation and deployment considerations within real-world network infrastructures. It discusses the challenges associated with scalability, adaptability, and robustness, and presents insights into potential solutions and best practices.


