Artificial Intelligence Mastery in Linguistic Agents and Automated Translation


  • Saif Khan University of Quetta, Pakistan
  • Zara Ali University of Quetta, Pakistan


The study elucidates the formidable capabilities of generative AI, specifically in the realm of language agents and machine translation frameworks, which are garnering increasing attention. These advanced systems, powered by deep learning algorithms, demonstrate exceptional aptitude in comprehending, generating, and translating human language. By scrutinizing the intricacies of generative AI, this research unveils the fundamental mechanisms propelling the efficacy of language agents and machine translation models. It investigates how these systems leverage extensive datasets to assimilate linguistic patterns and subtleties, enabling them to produce coherent and contextually appropriate text. Furthermore, it examines the obstacles and prospects inherent in the evolution and implementation of such technologies, underscoring the imperative for ethical considerations and ongoing enhancements to ensure precision, inclusivity, and cultural sensitivity in interlingual communication.




How to Cite

Khan, S., & Ali, Z. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Mastery in Linguistic Agents and Automated Translation. MZ Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 1(1), 1−7. Retrieved from