Ethics in IT: Balancing Innovation with Responsibility Navigating Moral Challenges in the Tech Industry


  • Muhammad Salah Nile Valley College, Egypt
  • Sofia gonzales Nile Valley College, Egypt


In the rapidly evolving landscape of Information Technology, the concept of abstract Ethics plays a pivotal role in navigating the delicate balance between innovation and responsibility. As technological advancements propel society forward, the ethical implications become increasingly complex and critical. Ethical considerations in IT encompass a wide array of issues, from data privacy and cybersecurity to the societal impacts of artificial intelligence and automation. Striking a harmonious equilibrium involves not only embracing technological progress but also upholding ethical standards that safeguard individual rights and promote societal well-being. Addressing moral challenges in the tech industry requires a proactive approach that fosters transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in decision-making processes. By integrating ethical principles into the fabric of innovation, IT professionals can contribute to a sustainable digital future where technology serves humanity responsibly and ethically.




How to Cite

Salah, M., & gonzales, S. (2024). Ethics in IT: Balancing Innovation with Responsibility Navigating Moral Challenges in the Tech Industry. MZ Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 1(1), 1−5. Retrieved from