A Dignified Old Age in the Digital Welfare Society: Navigating Digital Inequality among Older Adults in Denmark


  • Morten Flemming Hjelholt IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark


This paper investigates the intersection of digital inequality and disinformation among older adults in Denmark, drawing on preliminary findings from the research project "A Dignified Old Age in the Digital Welfare Society." Through ten in-depth interviews, we collected rich qualitative data on the challenges faced by older adults in navigating digital environments. The study reveals that older adults encounter significant digital barriers due to a lack of digital literacy and disinformation on social media and online news platforms. These barriers exacerbate their vulnerability to digital and social exclusion. Our findings underscore the critical need for targeted interventions to enhance digital literacy and resilience among older adults. We advocate for a holistic approach that combines efforts to bridge the digital divide with strategies to combat disinformation, thereby promoting more inclusive and equitable participation in the digital society for older adults.





